Monday 24 June 2013

DisasterAction: new leaflet on Disaster Victim Identification

The charity DisasterAction has just created a new leaflet in their series When Disaster Strikes, called Disaster Victim Identification: Relatives' Experiences. The leaflet is written in DisasterAction's members' own words and shows their experience of the identification of family members after disaster. It will help emergency responders involved in this difficult work to understand the impact on families of the seemingly impersonal processes and procedures, and inspire them to be as sensitive as possible when working with families.

The leaflet can be found here

Disaster Action is a charity, founded in 1991 by survivors and bereaved people from UK and overseas disasters. Living all round the UK, our members have personal experience of 27 disasters, including rail, air and maritime as well as natural disasters and terrorist attacks in the UK and overseas. We came together to help create a health and safety culture in which disasters are less likely to occur, to offer guidance and support to others who find themselves similarly affected and to raise awareness of the needs of survivors and bereaved.

Monday 24 June 2013


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