Tuesday, 10 January 2012

NPIA - Family Liaison Officer Guidance 2008

January 10

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ACPO - Guidance on Disaster Victim Identification 2011 [document]

January 10

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INTERPOL Aids in Identifying “Sendong” Victims

January 10

After the rampage of typhoon “Sendong” in Northern Mindanao, thousands of lives was lost and million worth of properties were devastated. Unidentified dead bodies, mostly of mothers and children are left unclaimed and a decent burial is remained questionable. The Philippine and National Police in its full effort, helps to identify the hundred recovered bodies. Police Chief Superintendent Lorlie Arroyo, Director of PNP Crime Laboratory admitted the victim identification was a tedious task and takes time as authorities wants to ensure efficiency. The INTERPOL General Secretariat (IPSG) offered additional assistance in Disaster Victim Identification (DVI). DVI is the scientific procedure which involved DNA profiling, fingerprint and dental comparison to obtain conclusive identifications. It takes considerable time to reach possible identification for each victim which heavily depends on the accessibility, quality and availability of relevant...

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Balloon crash investigations continue

January 10

Police and partner agencies are continuing their investigations into the fatal hot air balloon crash in Somerset Road, Carterton yesterday morning. Wairarapa Area Commander Inspector Brent Register says Police Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) and Specialist Search Group (SSG) members remain at the scene of the crash today, alongside New Zealand Fire Service personnel. "Last night, two of the eleven bodies were removed from the scene. We are working towards removing the bodies of the other nine victims over the course of the afternoon." Inspector Register says support is continuing to be provided to the families of the victims, as they come to terms with the loss of their loved ones as a result of this tragedy. Some families have also visited the scene of the crash with Police staff. "We are still working with Next of Kin this morning and hope to be able to release a complete list of those believed to be deceased later this afternoon." Inspector...

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Libyan plan to trace mass graves and missing people

January 10

As Libyans celebrate the fall of Muammar Gaddafi following his death last week, the country's transitional government has already set up a commission that it says will ensure the transparent and orderly exhumation and identification of bodies from mass graves. "It will take a few months to work out the number of people missing," says Salim Al-Serjani, vice-president of the newly formed National Commission for Tracing and Identifying Missing Persons. Speaking to New Scientist from Libya's capital Tripoli, he said that 4000 to 5000 people went missing during the 42 years of Gaddafi's dictatorship, on a crude estimate, and around 20,000 to 25,000 more are thought to have gone missing in the nine-month conflict that ended last week. "The old regime didn't like to give out any information, so it will take a while to know more exact figures," he said. Outside help Al-Serjani said that Libya's National Transitional Council has already been...

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22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine

January 10

The 22nd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) from 5 to 8 July 2012. The congress will be an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest doctrinal, scientific, and technological advances in legal medicine and forensic sciences with its workshops, advanced courses, seminars, panels and lectures as well as oral and poster presentations. The most prestigious professionals from the international forensic community will contribute and be a part of this important scientific event. For details see: http://www.ialm2012.o...

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9th International Course in Forensic Odontology, Oslo, Norway

January 10

The International Organisation for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS) and the Nordic Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (NOFOS) in cooperation with the Institute of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Oslo, Norway, invite you to a course in personal identification, with special emphasis on dental methods held on 25-30 June 2012 at the Institute of Oral Biology, Domus Odontologica, Rikshospitalet, Gaustad, Oslo Oslo, Norway. Aim of the course: • to enable the dentist to perform post mortem dental examination and comparison between  ante-mortem and post mortem information in single cases as well as in mass disasters • to enable the dentist to participate in the reconstruction of the identity of a person when comparative identification is not possible • to enable the dentist to participate in a DVI team after a mass disaster • to introduce computerized identification programmes...

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18th Nordic Conference on Forensic Medicine

January 10

It is a great pleasure for The Department of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Health, Aarhus University and the Danish Society of Forensic Medicine to invite you to participate in the 18th Nordic Conference on Forensic Medicine, which will takes place in Aarhus, Denmark, on 13-16 June, 2012. The theme of the Conference is “New Techniques and Progress in Forensic Medicine”. It will cover a variety of different topics in Forensic Medicine with internationally renowned experts with in the field giving lectures. Furthermore we intend to offer preconference workshops on topics as Education, Disaster Victim Identification, Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Epidemiology. For details see: http://retsmedicin.au.dk/nordic-conference-2012/welco...

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EAFSC Forensic Science Conference 20-24 August 2012

January 10

The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) takes pride in announcing that the 6th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference will be held in The Hague, the International City of Peace and Justice, from 20 to 24 August 2012. The title of the conference reflects the momentum of forensic sciences: Towards Forensic Science 2.0. For details:  http://www.eafs2012.eu/home.h...

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