Wednesday 3 April 2013

More human remains found at World Trade Center 9/11 debris

In a newly-resumed excavation for finding human remains at the site where two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001, more pieces of bone fragment have been found, which may lead to more victims being identified, according to AP on Tuesday.

The two pieces were found Monday on just the first day of a 10-week sifting operation. The city has collected about 60 dump truck loads of debris from construction areas around the trade center site over the past two and a half years that is now being examined for remains.

In 2010, the search for human remains ended in a controversial decision, as the excavation was costing hundreds of millions of dollars and most debris was being taken to a local landfill.

Families of the victims were angered that the search ended, as over 1,000 bodies still remain unaccounted for, although some believe their loved ones were vaporized during the attack.

Throughout all searches that have been conducted, more than 1,800 pieces of potential human remains have been found. In 2006, several bones were found in a manhole near ground zero.

The material will be taken to a mobile sifting unit set up on Staten Island, city officials said.

Human remains that can not be identified will be released to Sept. 11 memorial.

Wednesday 3 April 2013


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