Saturday 22 December 2012

Traffic accident kills 7 in Indonesia’s West Java

Seven passengers of a tour bus were killed in a crash with a truck in Cipularang toll road, West Java Indonesia on early Saturday.

The Tri Star bus carrying people from Central Java’s city of Puwokerto to spend holidays in the capital city of Jakarta. It hit the back of the truck with high speed, police overseeing the crash location said.

“The bus driver said that he was sleepy at that time,” head of traffic unit at Cimahi police station, Asep, said, adding that the bus rammed the truck at a speed of 70 kilometer per hour.

“Due to the crash, the front left part of the bus was totally torn apart,” he added.

He said that the bus driver is now detained in police station for further investigation. The driver could face four years of imprisonment if he is proved of committing negligence that costs others’ lives, the reported.

Most of the death victims were those sitting in that part, he said. Among the total of 36 people onboard the bus, including the driver and one crew, seven were instantly killed on the scene, two others badly injured. All of the passengers were rushed to MH Thamrin and Efarina Etaham hospitals located near the toll road.

Saturday 22 December 2012


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